Apply for Capital Funding from the Manhattan Borough President

As part of the City Budget, five percent of the total City Capital appropriations are allotted to the Borough Presidents for use within their Borough; this amount is allocated among the Boroughs by a formula based on an equal weighting of factors relating to the population and geographic area of each Borough. This funding is then awarded by the Borough President through the Capital Grant Program.

Beyond the authority to allocate capital funding through the Capital Grant Program, the Manhattan Borough President has two additional programs that provide support to nonprofits, cultural organizations, and public schools. For more information, click here.


City Entities and Public Schools

All City of New York entities (e.g. Health + Hospitals, the Parks Department, etc.) requesting funding for capital projects occurring on City-owned property (including but not limited to public schools, parks, and public buildings) should complete the Manhattan Borough President’s Office City Capital Funding Application through the Borough President’s Grant Portal system. FY 26 requests should fund projects/purchases intended for July 1st, 2025 through June 30, 2026. The deadline to apply for FY26 funding is February 20, 2025 at 5pm.

Nonprofit Organizations

All nonprofit organizations seeking capital funding for projects (including charter schools on non-City owned property) must complete the New York City Capital Funding application through the NYC CapGrants Portal. All cultural organizations that receive funding from the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) and are interested in requesting funding from the Manhattan Borough President’s Office must complete the application through DCLA’s website. The deadline to apply for FY26 funding is February 20, 2025 at 5pm.

If you have additional questions, please email Director of Budget & Capital Projects Amy Slattery, at

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a capital grant, projects must meet the following minimum criteria:

If you are a nonprofit organization seeking City capital funding for a project that is not on City-owned land, you must meet the following requirements:

  • City Operating Contract. The recipient organization must have one or more City operating contract(s).
    • For real property projects, the organization must have a separate pre-existing contract with the City for operating funds in the current fiscal year (FY24) and the preceding two fiscal years (FY23 and FY22) with a minimum annual dollar amount of $50,000 each year. (This requirement does not apply to cultural projects).
    • For movable property projects, the recipient must have a City operating contract in FY24 of at least $25,000. (This requirement does not apply to cultural projects.)
  • Minimum City Contribution.
    • For real property projects, there must be a minimum City contribution of at least $500,000
    • For movable property projects, each item or equipment system must cost at least $50,000, unless it is for initial outfitting of a new space.
    • For projects involving movable property that has a minor degree of attachment to real property, the project must have a minimum City contribution of at least $250,000.
  • Ownership Requirement. For projects involving real property (such as construction or renovation), the property must be used and owned by the recipient organization (i.e. not rented) except for:
    • Cultural projects
    • Governmental-owned property
    • Senior centers
    • Housing projects in New York City Housing Authority property and Housing projects identified with a housing loan program of the City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development.
  • Useful Life. The project must have a useful life of 5 years or more and be used for a City purpose for its entire useful life.
  • Other baseline standards detailed in the Guidelines for Capital Funding Request for Not-for-Profit Organizations

If you are a City entity applying for a project on City-owned land (including public schools, parks, libraries, etc.) the project must:

  • Have a useful life of at least 5 years
  • Have a minimum City contribution of $50,000